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Powerful Ways A Woman Can Empower Herself Through Other Women

Powerful Ways A Woman Can Empower Herself Through Other Women

The growth potential for women is unlimited. And sky remains the limit for all girls worldwide. Most women don’t get to realize the unlimited potential packed in themselves, so they never live to their dreams.

The most powerful way to empower other women is starting by oneself. Yes, think about who you are today, the challenges that have shaped you, and the risks you’ve taken over your life. Also, think about any missed opportunities and what you can do about them going forward because it is not yet over. That way, you should create a story to inspire others as you reflect on your life.

Tell your story, with all its ups and downs. Talk about your wins but share your losses and mistakes, too. Be relatable and candid. Women need to know your story, so they can clear the fairy tale from their minds. When they see that the road they traveled is very much like the one they’re on, they’ll start believing they have the power to reach their goals.

You also need to stand up for other women knowing that you’re doing it for yourself as well. Don’t allow your eyes to watch discriminatory, harassment, or abusive behavior against your fellow women without taking action. Also, don’t just point to it; explain why it’s unbalanced and the consequences it will have. But don’t leave the focus on the negative. Instead, offer a better alternative, whether it’s a woman capable of doing the job or a change to the system, so it becomes more equitable.

Another powerful way to empower other women is by sharing opportunities. We need to work together to promote ourselves. If you’re in a leadership or executive role, look for women who would benefit from an upcoming opportunity and recommend them. Advocate for women with the decision-makers.

You don’t have to be in leadership to hear about new opportunities. If you know a female colleague who would be perfect for the opportunity, tell her about it. Keep the communication channels open between you.

At the same time, encourage other women to take risks and explore their potential because it is possible to live to their dreams. Encourage women to put up their hands for new opportunities, apply for promotions, ask for training, and seek mentors. Hold a women’s hand when she wants courage, give her a push when she needs it, and keep reminding her of her talents and abilities. There are a lot of people who find it easy to pull others down. We need to be the people to help them climb.

Lastly, find and build strong networks with other strong women worldwide and mentor other girls in their personal and professional growth. There’s strength in numbers, especially emotional strength which you’ll need at some stage to help you keep standing up for yourself and other women. Build a strong network both at work and outside and stay in touch. You need each other.

The Princess Magazine, Monthly Magazine in Huoston

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