Cuisine International by Chef Nazif
Roasted Brussels Sprouts Ingredients: 1 lb small Brussels sprouts ½ lb cherry tomatoes 2 teaspoons minced garlic 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons salt Preparation: Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). In a large pot, boil the Brussels sprouts until they are tender. Drain the…
Educational  Programs in Public Schools / By Robert Sheridan and  Dr. Kaci Sheridan
If you are a parent in the United States, you probably know how confusing it can be to understand all the different programs and rules in public schools. It can all be very overwhelming! There are several programs in schools that can help your child with everything from supporting those who excel academically to those…
The Gomez Law
Our team of attorneys allocates most of their time and resources to help business and individual clients with their legal matters and make sure we offer thorough legal counsel through the entire legal process. Where We Practice Our global expertise is unparalleled, we have represented and counseled businesses and individuals all over the world, including…

Houston 6th Annual Lebanese Festival

Houston Lebanese Festival organized by the American Lebanese Cultural Center is one of the largest festivals in USA held annually in Houston, Texas. The festival celebrates culture, tradition, and history of Lebanon and showcases Lebanese heritage, traditional folkloric dances, dabke performances, music, and Lebanese cuisine including a family friendly actives and entertainment.

This year’s festival held a fundraising event on Friday, September 30th to help the children of Lebanon and donated all the proceeds to the Children Cancer Center of Lebanon.

The three consecutive days celebration with headliners concert performances from Guy Manoukian on Saturday and Najwa Karam on Sunday, in addition to other Lebanese stars such as Ahmad Doughan and our Houstonian performers attracted more than 8000 attendees in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. However, the main stars of the event were the volunteers who worked for months to make this festival a successful event and present the best picture about Lebanon.


Categories: Social & Events
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