The House of Gucci Movie is directed by Ridley Scott, with Adam Driver and Lady Gaga as the protagonists. The film depicts the infamous murder of scion Maurizio Gucci by Patrizia Reggiani, his ex-wife.
In The House of Gucci Lady Gaga returns to the big screen. This comes after her Oscar nominated performance in A Star is Born. Besides Adam Driver, the actress and the singer appears in the film alongside an A-cast which revolves around one of fashion’s most famous families.
The murdered Maurizio Gucci is a fashion designer and Guccio Gucci’s grandson. There are a few interesting facts you also need to learn about the movie as follows:
If you have watched the second trailer of the movie, there’s so much you’d learn about Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga is portrayed as Patrizia Reggiani in her doomed marriage with Maurizio Gucci. It’s an interesting trailer that we anticipate might quickly generate a thousand memes.
An interesting twist is an Italian accent that lady Gaga carries in the film. From the first trailer, The House of Gucci will showcase all glamour, glitz, and the dram that the upcoming Ridley Scott film has prepared for you. The cunning and coy of Lady Gaga’s depiction of Patrizia steals the show, not to mention the Italian accent she carries through.
One of the scenes features Lady Gaga in her costumes.
She wears a glamorous netted veil and a glamourous all-black attire while she applies a deep red lipstick. According to Deadline, Gaga is playing Patrizia Reggiani, Maurizio’s ex-wife, who was tried and convicted of plotting his assassination in 1995. She was behind bars for 18 years before being released in 2016.
Gaga’s word of casting was first reported in November 2019, but news broke in April 2020 that the rights were brought to the drama by the MGM, set to premiere on this year’s thanksgiving.
One of the epic photos shared by Lady Gaga on her Instagram is herself with Adam Driver, as shown below: